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We do not use the body to get into the pose -
we use the pose to get into our body

- Bernie Clarke

Yoga & Meditation

Ik bied individuele ondersteuning op het gebied van heling & bevrijding, belichaming, seksualiteit, intieme relaties, zwangerschap & geboorte en leiderschap . De basis van mijn individuele sessies is empathie, gebaseerd op geweldloze communicatie . Ik bied mijn gevoeligheid en aanwezigheid. Ik luister naar je en ik ben met bij je aanwezig met alles wat in je leeft en aandacht wil. Ik respecteer het tempo dat bij jou past. Samen brengen we je innerlijke wereld voorzichtig in kaart. We maken contact met jouw gedachten en gevoelens en met de behoeften erachter.


Van daaruit, wanneer we aankomen in de prachtige wereld van jouw behoeften, kunnen we verschillende strategieën onderzoeken om verder te gaan. Ik kan je verschillende oefeningen aanbieden die voortkomen uit de methoden die mij inspireerden en die allemaal gemarineerd zijn in empathie en belichaming .


Voorbeelden van wat een sessie kan brengen:


- Ervaren hoe het is om welkom te zijn en volledig gehoord te worden

- Verbinden met je visie, je kwaliteiten en je levensdoel

- Bewustworden van gewoontes en patronen die je niet dienen

- Rouwen terwijl ik empathische bij je aanwezig ben

- Omgaan met schuldgevoelens, schaamte, woede, verdriet en angst

- Je seksualiteit onderzoeken

- Verbinding maken met en bemiddelen tussen verschillende delen van jou

- Herwinnen van keuzevrijheid en duidelijkheid bij het nemen van beslissingen

- Het aangaan van en navigeren in intieme relaties

- Verbinden met de levensenergie en creativiteit in jou

- Lichaamsbewustzijn

- Je angsten onderzoeken


Als je een specifiek onderwerp hebt dat je graag zou willen bespreken of een deel van jou dat je aandacht wilt geven en je twijfelt of ik je daarbij kan ondersteunen, dan moedig ik je aan om contact met mij op te nemen, zodat we dit samen kunnen verkennen. Als we erachter komen dat je een ander soort ondersteuning nodig hebt dan wat ik te bieden heb, breng ik je graag in contact met iemand in mijn netwerk.




Yin Yoga


Yin yoga is the counterpart of the fast and exciting everyday life. In Yin Yoga everything goes slowly and quietly, you take time for your body and your emotions, being in the moment. Yin Yoga makes you develop flexibility on deeper levels. The flow of energy is stimulated, and blockages are resolved. Yin yoga incorporates many elements of mindfulness and has a meditative and calming effect.

Yin Yang Yoga


Yin Yang yoga is a very nice way to get to know your Yin and Yang side and how these two can help each other. The Yin, which you to observe your body and your mind, stretches the body. The Yang, which is challenging and changing, strengthens the body. The combination is an amazing practice which makes you feel more flexible and recharged.

Yoga Nidra


This yoga practice is commonly known as yogic sleep. While the practitioner rests comfortably in shavasana this systematic meditation takes you through the pancha maya kosha (five layers of self). Yoga nidra offers a space to explore what you need in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions. Leaving you with a sense of wholeness.



The meditations I offer are meant to support you in coming back to your centre. A gentle practice to bring the focus inwards with the intention of self-connection. I offer different techniques, which can be helpful in finding a way that works best for you or that works for you at a specific moment. Meditation can bring inner peace, calm and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. 

Chair Yoga


A fun, safe way to keep moving into old age, while learning to accept the body's limits. Chair yoga not only makes the body fitter, it also calms the mind by stimulating a flexible and resilient approach to life. In addition, it is a wonderful way to be together, share experiences and listen to others.  

Kids Yoga


Kids' yoga is fun, energetic and playful! In the kids' yoga classes, children can discover yoga and use their imagination in breathing exercises, games, yoga postures, relaxation and visualization. During our children's yoga, children learn how pleasant rest and relaxation can be, and on the other hand, they can also let themselves go and follow the impulses of their body during the yoga class.

Pregnancy Yoga


This yoga class is intended for pregnant women from their 14th week of pregnancy. During pregnancy body and mind go through a major transformation. Pregnancy yoga offers a gentle approach to growing and maintaining flexibility, resilience, softness, deep breath, balance and trust in your body. My main intention is to support you in connecting to yourself and preparing for birth in a way that works for you.

Postnatal Yoga


After the transformational experience that birth is, not only the body but our whole system is shapeshifted. It takes time, attention and a gentle approach to connect to the new version of yourself. The intention of a postnatal yoga session is to support you in overwhelm, chaos, grief, tenderness, or wherever you are in the moment, to connect to yourself and nourish your body with special attention to what your body can handle.



Pranayama, like meditation and asana (the physical yoga practice), is one of the eight limbs of yoga. Just as our mental and emotional state can influence our breath, conscious breathing can affect our energy level and emotional and mental state. A pranayama class gives you tools to use your breath to calm down the mind, reduce anxiety, strengthen, create space in your body, and find balance, focus and energy.

Yoga Coaching


Do you want to know more about what yoga can do for you? Which form suits you, how you can practice at home or anywhere else? Yoga coaching is a beautiful tool to work on your body, soul and mind in a very gentle and intuitive way. Learn to listen to your body and your breath, learn to relax and especially work on yourself. A possibility to touch all the different layers of you: physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual.


“I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you that is of light, love, truth, peace and wisdom. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, We Are One."
- Namasté

What to expect in a yoga class
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