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There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy

- Friedrich Nietzsche


I have a vision of a world where all of us are connected to our body. Where we understand that our body knows our personal truth, that it can be like a compass and can show us where to go, when we are heading in the direction of our souls and when we are in the pace that resonates with who we are. That we can use our body to make important decisions and that it can help us to understand how to take care of ourselves. And that we can check in with our body and get answers to our questions.


In my work, the body is always in the picture. When I am working with individuals on topics as liberation, leadership and birth. When I am working with couples on communication and sexuality. And when working with communities, groups and teams. The body is part of the journey, an important part of all of us that I want to include. I support anyone who is willing and wanting to discover body awareness, increase the connection to their body and start using their body as a compass of intelligence.


Read more about embodiment here >

Individual support

My individual embodiment sessions are grounded in empathy, based on nonviolent communication. I offer my sensitivity and presence. I use my own body awareness to support you when you are developing your own body awareness. I meet you where you are in connection with your body and stay with that in empathy. I am with you in all that is alive and wants attention. I honour the pace that resonates with you and your body. Together we gently map your relationship with your body. Moving through your thoughts and feelings and connecting to the needs behind them.


From there, when we have clarity about your needs, we can explore different strategies to move towards connection with your body.  When we meet I like to invite you to explore movement, touch and possibly going outside and to connect with all your sense through nature. I can offer you different processes that spring from the practices that inspired me and are all marinated in empathy (Nonviolent Communication). The practices are to connect to what is alive in you, but also to trigger and awaken places in your body that might feel numb. Together we slowly discover your body wisdom. 


Examples of what a session can bring:


- Experiencing deep body relaxation

- Reconnecting with parts of the body where you experience numbness

- Listening to body signals

- Releasing emotions through the body

- Engage with trauma stored in the body

- Mourning while being held in empathic presence​

- Communicating with different parts of your body

- Getting to know your body language

- Using your body as a compass

- Mapping sensitivity and pain

- Connecting with the life energy and creativity inside of you

- Exploring guilt and shame around your body


If you have a specific topic that you would like to address or a part of you that you want to give attention and you are unsure if I can support you with that, I would love for you to contact me so we can explore this together. When we find out you need a different kind of support than what I have to offer, I am happy to connect you with someone in my network.


Online Courses

I am working on online courses that you can follow at your own pace. Right now there are no live events taking place. If you would like to be updated about this, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of this page.


Trainings & Workshops

At the moment there are no in-person events happening. I am working on new programs to start when we are able to meet each other in person again. If you would like to be updated about this, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of this page.


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