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Individual support

I'm offering individual support on healing & liberation, embodimentsexuality, intimate relationships, pregnancy & birth and leadership. My individual sessions are grounded in empathy, based on nonviolent communication. I offer my sensitivity and presence. I listen to you and I am with you in all that is alive and wants attention. I honour the pace that resonates with you. Together we gently map your inner world. Moving through your thoughts and feelings and connecting to the needs behind them. From there, when we arrive in the beautiful world of your needs, we can explore different strategies to move towards healing and liberation. I can offer you different processes that spring from the practices that inspired me and are all marinated in empathy and embodiment


Couples support

I'm offering sessions for couples on intimate relationships, sexuality, around pregnancy & birth and family dynamics. I also welcome couples that are separated or in the process of seperation. When working with couples in conflict I start with individual sessions, to check in with the needs of both. In this way, I have a sense of what is on the table and together we can start the journey. Sometimes I might use mediation techniques that spring from nonviolent communication. Other times I will offer other practices that can support the journey that you as a couple are walking together. There is always a possibility to step into individual sessions again when individual support is needed. This way we create a safe space for exploration. I like to work with creating a vision together and taking small steps towards that vision while staying connected to the needs of both people involved and the needs of the relationship, which I like to see as a third entity.


Community support

"It takes a village" is often heard when we hear people speak about the purpose of community. Being a part of a community can meet our needs for belonging, being part of something. It can meet a need for support and safety. It can give us opportunities to connect with people, to realize our vision, and makes us feel safe and secure. For most people, it's important to have a sense of community. My work with communities is grounded in nonviolent communication and every day I want to remember my vision of a world that is needs-based and works for all of us. I bring my gift of creativity, transparency and enthusiasm and my experience with many different flavours of community. In my work, I bring practices that I have learned and shared along the years and I like to create new versions of those as I want to continuously connect to the needs at the moment.


Online courses

I'm offering trainings & workshops based on non-violent communication and embodiment. Depending on the field we will work in together I integrate several types of practices that inspire me on my own journey. I aim to regularly organize events with specific topics to work on. I also design trainings, especially for your organizations and teams. Please contact me for more information about this. I am working on online courses that you can follow at your own pace. Right now there are no live events taking place. If you would like to be updated, please subscribe to my newsletter.


Trainings & workshops

I'm offering trainings & workshops based on non-violent communication and embodiment. Depending on the field we will work in together I integrate several types of practices that inspire me on my own journey. I aim to regularly organize events with specific topics to work on. I like to do this in places that are connected to nature. I also design trainings, especially for your organizations and teams. Please contact me for more information about this. I am working on new programs to start when we are able to meet each other in person again. Right now there are no live events taking place. If you would like to be updated, please subscribe to my newsletter.


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