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I was made from sex,

there is no shame, in such a creation

-Nayyirah Waheed


I dream of a world where we can all fully accept and express our sexual nature. Where we feel free to explore our sexuality in a way that resonates with us. Sexuality can be a superpower and can have a healing effect. Yet many of us have a painful relationship with it, connected to shame or guilt, triggered by traumatic life experiences and childhood conditioning. With what we have heard, seen, felt in the past we may have shaped our world and this includes our sexuality. Sexuality is a big part of our existence and when it wasn't for sex we wouldn't be in this world. Yet many of us have a complicated relationship with their sexuality.


In my work I support people while exploring their sexuality. Grounded in empathy (Non-violent Communication) I intent to create a space that feels safe. I work with individuals on healing, reclaiming, embracing, liberating and embodying their sexuality. And I work with couples on their sexual relationship, which can involve restoration, transformation and entering the field of conscious sexuality where healing and manifestation can take place. I want to meet you where you are and walk with you in the pace that feels true to you.

Individual support

To create a safe space I make sure that the sessions around sexuality are grounded in empathy, based on nonviolent communication. I offer my sensitivity and presence. I meet you where you are in connection with your sexuality and stay with that in empathy. I am with you in all that is alive and wants attention. I honour the pace that resonates with you and your body. Together we gently map your relationship with your sexuality. Moving through your thoughts and feelings and connecting to the needs behind them.


From there, when we have arrives in the beautiful world of your needs, we can explore different strategies to move towards connection with your sexuality. When we meet I like to invite you to explore communication in sexuality with yourself and others and embodiment practices that can support you on your journey. I can offer you different processes that spring from the practices that inspired me and are all marinated in empathy (Nonviolent Communication). The practices are to connect to what is alive in you, but also to trigger and awaken sexual energy and inspiration in you. Together we slowly discover what's important for you, how you want to embody and live your sexuality and what is your next step towards that vision. 


Examples of what a session can bring:


- Experiencing sexual energy

- Reconnecting with your sexual self

- Listening to body signals

- Healing through sexuality

- Engaging with trauma stored in the body

- Mourning while being held in empathic presence​

- Communicating with different parts of your body

- Connecting to your sensuality

- Using your body as a compass

- Learning how to use your imagination

- Mapping sensitivity and pain around sexuality

- Connecting with the life energy and creativity inside of you

- Exploring guilt and shame around sexuality


If you have a specific topic that you would like to address or a part of you that you want to give attention and you are unsure if I can support you with that, I encourage you to contact me so we can explore this together. When we find out you need a different kind of support than what I have to offer, I am happy to connect you with someone in my network.


Couples support

I'm offering sessions for couples that want to heal, refresh, restore or spice up their sexual relationship. When working with couples I start with individual sessions, to check in with the needs of both. In this way I have a sense of what needs are on the table and together we can start the journey. Sometimes I might use mediation techniques that spring from Nonviolent Communication. Other times I will offer practices that can support the journey that you as a couple are walking together. There is always a possibility to step into individual sessions again when individual healing is needed. This way we create a safe space for exploration. I like to work with creating a vision together and taking small steps towards that vision, while staying connected to the needs of both people involved and the needs of the relationship, which I like to see as a third entity.


Examples of what a session can bring:


- Recreating your sexual life together

- Reconnecting with your sexual self

- Giving, receiving, taking, asking, refusing, sharing

- Learning the difference between doing and being

- Healing each other through sexuality

- Releasing emotions through sexual connection

- Learning how to communicate your needs around sexuality

- Staying connected to yourself while being with the other

- Learning how to use your imagination and creativity

- Mapping sensitivity and pain around sexuality together

- Exploring guilt and shame around sexuality

- Learning how to play


If you have a specific topic that you would like to address or a part of you that you want to give attention and you are unsure if I can support you with that, I encourage you to contact me so we can explore this together. When we find out you need a different kind of support than what I have to offer, I am happy to connect you with someone in my network.


Online Courses

I am working on online courses that you can follow at your own pace. Right now there are no live events taking place. If you would like to be updated about this, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of this page.


Trainings & Workshops

At the moment there are no in-person events happening. I am working on new programs to start when we are able to meet each other in person again. If you would like to be updated about this, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of this page.


Engaging with life topics in a space of care and safety

Empathy Circles

An empathy circle is a place where we can come together around life topics and exchange our experiences, curiosity, doubts, challenges, celebrations and mourning while being held in an empathic presence. The topics I choose are related to the topics I work with and change accordingly to what is most life serving in that moment. 

Monday mornings (different theme every week)

9:30 - 11:00 am (CEST)


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