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Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you

come alive, and go do it. Because what the world

needs is people who have come alive.

- Howard Thurman


For me taking leadership means to be connected to my values, my vision and my purpose. To stay in touch with how I want to show up in the world and to be aware of the effect that has on others and the world around me. To take responsibility for the whole. It helps me to let my energy flow in the direction of my purpose.


For many years I was feeling confused about my direction. Something inside of me was going one way, which felt adventurous, fun, exciting, inspirational. While I thought the world outside of me was trying to make me move another way, that to me felt exhausting, painful, uncomfortable and unfamiliar. That something inside of me I now call my essence. And I feel so much relief that no matter what happened I always stayed connected to that. Enough so, to turn the wheel at some point in my life and start to follow my own path.


Every step I take on this path brings me closer to my essence. Closer to my vision; how I want things to be. Closer to my purpose; what I do to realize my vision. And gives me more clarity about my gifts and my mission; what I am offering to the world. And the more clear I become about my values, the more freedom I experience in doing what I want to do. That path, to get closer to my essence and act on it, for me, is leadership. And I am happy to be by your side when you start walking yours. 


Individual support

My individual sessions are grounded in empathy, based on nonviolent communication. I offer my sensitivity and presence. I listen to you and I honor the pace that resonates with you. Together we walk through the different topics (vision, purpose, gifts, needs, etc) to explore your (personal) leadership. I can offer you different processes that spring from my inspiration and are held in empathy. To connect to what really matters to you, embodiment practices and resonant language are important ingredients of my sessions.


Examples of the topics we touch when we work on (personal) leadership:


- Creating a personal vision

- Connecting and formulating your purpose and mission

- Exploring your gifts

- Honoring and increasing your capacity

- Formulating clear values to guide your actions

- Decision making

- Your personal compass

- Creating support systems and asking for help

- Exploring your fears

- Mourning while being held in empathic presence

- Healing and liberation towards vision

- Reflection and feedback

- Keeping it fun


Online Courses

I am working on online courses that you can follow at your own pace. Right now there are no live events taking place. If you would like to be updated about this, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of this page.


Trainings & Workshops

At the moment there are no in-person events happening. I am working on new programs to start when we are able to meet each other in person again. If you would like to be updated about this, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of this page.


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